Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DB 5 Cyber Security Management and Border Security_Intro to Public Safety Administration

DB 5 Cyber Security management

Q 1. Discuss and describe in brief, at least four programs created by and maintained by DHS in support of Federal cyber security (150-200 words). 2. Visit the website for one of these programs. Thinking critically about whether this program helps in the provision of cyber security and how it relates to borders, discuss the ways in which this occurs by reading about the program. (summarize this additional information in 150 words).

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The technologically-driven world and increased cyber activities have led to the concentration on the need for greater surveillance and security towards cyber-related activities. Four such programs are: US¬ CERT: The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team has the aim of providing support and defense against cyber-attacks networks that are functional with the government and has the domain of .gov. It has the role of securing the internet infrastructure and ensuring sharing of information across platforms without security challenges and creating a strong network defense.